Bricks in the Sand - Bauanleitung

Bricks in the Sand - Bauanleitung
  • Bricks in the Sand - Bauanleitung
  • Bricks in the Sand - Bauanleitung
  • Bricks in the Sand - Bauanleitung

Bricks in the Sand - Bauanleitung

€ 59,00

Brickmania Bricks in the Sand Bauanleitung


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The Persian Gulf War followed the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait with a short conflict consisting of a U.S.-led coalition. Beginning in 1991, major military operations were short-lived as the Iraqi military was not prepared for the swiftness and precision of coalition forces. Although the conflict ended quickly, the failure to remove Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from power would later result in the Second Gulf War of 2003. 

The kits in this book are selected to give the builder a historical view of Operation Desert Storm. They depict modern military hardware, providing the builder with an authentic model that is finely detailed and enjoyable to build.

Each build includes full-color, step-by-step instructions for building 14 Desert Storm models.

Bricks in the Sand Instructions

Instructions included in this volume are:

  • BRDM-2
  • BMP-1
  • T-72 "Ural"
  • DPV
  • M923 Truck
  • M198 155mm Howitzer
  • Avenger AN/TWQ-1 HMMWV
  • M1025 HMMWV
  • V-150 Commando
  • M106 Mortar Carrier
  • LAV-25
  • M2/M3 Bradley
  • AH-1W Super Cobra
  • AMX-30

Bonus Extras:

  • Printed on heavy-weight glossy paper with a special lay-flat spiral binding
  • Also included is a vinyl sticker sheet with vehicle markings, insignia, and uniforms for 28 figures
  • Each model includes a parts list to help locate all of the parts needed to build your model
  • Beautiful full-color photographs throughout the book, filled with ideas for displaying your models

Für diese Set werden zusätzliche Versandkosten berechnet.

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Dieses Set enthält Kleinteile und ist nicht für Kinder unter / bis 3 Jahren geeignet.

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The Persian Gulf War followed the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait with a short conflict consisting of a U.S.-led coalition. Beginning in 1991, major military operations were short-lived as the Iraqi military was not prepared for the swiftness and precision of coalition forces. Although the conflict ended quickly, the failure to remove Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from power would later result in the Second Gulf War of 2003. 

The kits in this book are selected to give the builder a historical view of Operation Desert Storm. They depict modern military hardware, providing the builder with an authentic model that is finely detailed and enjoyable to build.

Each build includes full-color, step-by-step instructions for building 14 Desert Storm models.

Bricks in the Sand Instructions

Instructions included in this volume are:

  • BRDM-2
  • BMP-1
  • T-72 "Ural"
  • DPV
  • M923 Truck
  • M198 155mm Howitzer
  • Avenger AN/TWQ-1 HMMWV
  • M1025 HMMWV
  • V-150 Commando
  • M106 Mortar Carrier
  • LAV-25
  • M2/M3 Bradley
  • AH-1W Super Cobra
  • AMX-30

Bonus Extras:

  • Printed on heavy-weight glossy paper with a special lay-flat spiral binding
  • Also included is a vinyl sticker sheet with vehicle markings, insignia, and uniforms for 28 figures
  • Each model includes a parts list to help locate all of the parts needed to build your model
  • Beautiful full-color photographs throughout the book, filled with ideas for displaying your models

Für diese Set werden zusätzliche Versandkosten berechnet.

Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte unter unserer Liefer-Bedingungen.
Dieses Set enthält Kleinteile und ist nicht für Kinder unter / bis 3 Jahren geeignet.

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